Mitchell Slaggert Talks Jackson and Kimberly’s Relationship in “TSLOCG”: “You Root For Them”

Mitchell Slaggert Talks Jackson and Kimberly’s Relationship in “TSLOCG”: “You Root For Them”

Image Source: Peter Ferrin

In our Q&A series POPSUGAR Crush, we get to know some of our favorite celebs’ more intimate details — from their ideal first date to their most romantic gesture. This month, we’re crushing on “The Sex Lives of College Girls” star Mitchell Slaggert.

“The Sex Lives of College Girls” is back for season two, and if you’ve been tuning in, chances are you’ve probably already stalked done your research on the show’s newest star, Mitchell Slaggert. The 28-year-old model-turned-actor plays Jackson, the handsome new student at Essex College who’s a “climate refugee” from Kansas and also happens to be the girls’ next-door neighbor. However, we quickly learn there’s more to Jackson than meets the eye.

“It’s actually really interesting because when I was auditioning for the part, how I auditioned and got the role is a completely different character than who I play in the show,” Slaggert reveals to POPSUGAR. “At first, I was like, ‘I don’t know. I think this one I’d auditioned, I’d rather play because it’s hilarious,’ but I love this character that I was given. I love both of them so much in their own way.”

As season two progresses, we also see Jackson start to form a relationship with Kimberly (Pauline Chalamet), who is still trying to figure out a solution to her financial crisis, though it’s too soon to tell if their bond will lead to anything romantic. “I can tease that it’s definitely intriguing,” Slaggert says of their relationship. “You root for them and stuff that goes on, but then it just hits you with a curve ball.”

As of now, the HBO Max series has not been picked up for a third season, but Slaggert is hopeful and would love to return for another installment. “I’d love to come back because Jackson has so many layers to him, and that also goes into the writing with Justin [Noble], Mindy Kaling], and others,” Slaggert says, noting that he wants to continue to “add to who [Jackson] is and lean more into his quirks and how he’s not a normal stereotype.” He also wants to see “what happens with him and Kimberly.”

“The Sex Lives of College Girls” drops new episodes on Thursdays on HBO Max. Ahead, see what else Slaggert had to say about the series, dating, and the interesting DMs he’s been getting recently.

Image Source: HBO Max

Aside from your own show, what are you currently binge-watching?

The new “Rick and Morty” came out. I love that show. It’s just quick and entertaining. Other binge-watching, [I] picked up “Narcos.” And then it’s been spooky season, so a couple horror movies. Oh, and “Lord of the Rings” and the new “Game of Thrones” [“House of the Dragon”].

You recently mentioned in an interview that you’ve been getting some pretty interesting DMs as of late, what’s been the most surprising one?

Oh my gosh, this is a funny one. So just randomly, Miley Cyrus and I started following each other, then unfollowed each other. And then people were just saying, “You don’t follow Miley Cyrus? F*ck you, you’re a horrible person.” I’m just like, “What? OK, I guess I’m a horrible person.” And then just interesting pickup lines. I don’t have any off the top of my head, but just what people come up with. And then it’s just really been a lot of nice support for the show.

When you’re not working, what is your favorite form of self-care?

I love running and working out, so I can get my runner’s high after the third or fourth mile. And then I also kind of zone out and meditate. I’m building a house right now, but I’m not doing all of the work I don’t know how to do, I’m just doing stuff that I can do. I just hung some windows and whatever so I just kind of zone out and get into work mode. And then, I also love spearfishing.

What is your go-to coffee/tea order?

Just black coffee with honey.

What is your signature scent/go-to cologne?

Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Le Parfum.

Who was your first celebrity crush?

Angelina Jolie.

What is your ideal first date?

Activities. Let’s go go-karting, jump out of a plane, paintball, something just where it creates more of a memory than just a dinner.

What is your biggest turn-on/turnoff?

Wit. If you’re witty, you can think on your toes, I like that. Turnoff: if you feel superior to others.

What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done or that’s ever been done for you?

I would say the most romantic thing I’ve ever done was throw a surprise party and just have all of my ex’s friends come in from out of town. That was nice. And then just add nice dinners and stuff to that. Everybody loves surprises. And I would say the most romantic thing ever done for me, I don’t know, I’m kind of a simple guy, so everything just kind of makes me happy. I would just say thoughtfulness.

What is the best love advice you’ve ever received?

So a common simple one is, don’t rush into things, but I wouldn’t say that’s the best. I would say, time will tell. Time will show you their true character.